
Careers Programme

Careers Guidance at Abbey Grange connects learning to the future. Our aim is to motivate students by giving them a clearer idea of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding. We believe our careers guidance widens our students’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations. It provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life. We support social mobility by improving opportunities for all students and instilling the belief in them that anything is possible.

Out Careers Advisor, Mrs Landau (, and stakeholders from different industries, work with our students to carry out interviews, (which may also include parents), university preparation, group work sessions, workplace visits and assemblies. Our Senior Leadership Team link to careers is Peter Golding, Assistant Principal. Mr Golding can be contacted on or by phone on 0113 275 7877.

At Abbey Grange our careers programme includes careers lessons in PSHCE drop down days, workshops, visiting speakers, visits to employers, work experience to name but a few activities.

We meet the needs of the Eight Gatsby Benchmarks to offer a wide range of activities for all year groups. We constantly review our Careers and PSHCE offer to ensure it is up to date and meets the needs of our pupils in an ever changing society. The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are as follows:

  • A stable Careers Programme
  • Learning from career and labour market
  • Addressing the needs of each student
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of Work placements
  • Encounters with Further and Higher education
  • Personal Guidance
Careers Statement
Careers & Personal Development Mapping
Post 16

By the time students get to the end of Sixth Form they will have:

  • Gained first-hand experience of the world of work by undertaking a week of work experience, in a working environment that is related to A level courses being undertaken. Students will be responsible for arranging the placement. This will help them learn about employability skills and the job market.
  • Have an additional one-to-one interview to discuss post 18 options if needed.
  • Attended sessions on higher education, gap years, student finance in PSHCE drop down days.
  • Visited Universities and attended a HE and Careers/ Apprenticeship fair.
  • Had the opportunity to attend careers talks during the school year from visiting speakers on a variety of topics including apprenticeships, Higher and Degree Level Apprenticeships – gathering essential information such as when and how to apply.
  • Updated their CV with their new qualifications and skills.
  • Had additional optional access to impartial information, advice and guidance from the school careers’ adviser to help them make decisions about post 18 options.
  • Been guided through the UCAS application process and made an application through UCAS, if they intend to go to university.
  • Had the opportunity to have a mock interview for employment or university admission.

In the event they decide to change their academic or career ideas, attended an Interview with the careers professional to discuss all their options for further study, apprenticeships or employment.

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